Len Speier


Nato nel 1927 a New York, Len Speier è un affermato fotografo professionista americano.
I suoi scatti si trovano nelle collezioni permanenti dell’International Center of Photography di New York, nella Bibliotheque Nationale di Parigi, nel Museo della Città di New York, nell’archivio fotografico della New York Public Library, al Museum of Art di Erie in Pennsylvania.
Nel 2013 gli è stata dedicata una retrospettiva alle New York University's Kimmel Galleries e nel 2014 una personale alle Calumet Galleries, sempre nella sua città natale. Ha insegnato fotografia alla New School di NYC, all’ Art Department della New York University , e al Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT).

Artist’s Statement

Born in 1927, a native New Yorker, I was taken with photography from the time my late uncle Sam gave me a primitive film developing kit on my Thirteenth Birthday. Despite college, a stint in the Army with the First Cavalry Division on occupation duty in Japan, followed by Law School and a private practice, I, somehow, returned to my first love, the photo arts, and have been so engaged for over forty years (oops, gave my age away).

For me, photography is the art of exclusion. The photographer has the power to create in her or his camera what is wanted to be exhibited. It is a heady power. It is the serendipitous confluence of the eye, brain, sensitivity and the action of the finger on the shutter release. Cartier-Bresson, William Klein, Robert Frank and others have that gift. It has been my goal.

I have photographed extensively in my home town and also in various parts of the world; China, Spain, Portugal, France, Denmark, Surinam and Japan to name some. My work has been reproduced in textbooks, compilations, even advertisements and book jackets. I have taught photography for many years in various venues: The New School in NYC; Art Department at New York University and, lastly, for over 16 years as Assoc. Prof. at the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) in NYC, retiring in 2006 for health reasons. For ten years, until 1999, I mentored children of color in photography for the NAACP program entitled, “ACT-SO”.

My work is in the permanent collection of the International Center of Photography (ICP, NYC); Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris; Museum of the City of New York; Photo Archive of the New York Public Library and the Erie (Pennsylvania) Museum of Art. Also, I have exhibited widely, with a Retrospective Exhibition at New York University's Kimmel Galleries in 2013 and a solo show at Calumet Galleries, NYC, 2014. Most recently, at the Carter Burden Gallery, Chelsea, NYC jointly with photographer, Flo Fox, entitled "Disco Ball" November 2014 and, in January, 2016, at the Blank Wall Gallery, Athens, Greece entitled "Weather".
Still searching, at 88 years old, for a publisher for my photo book on my Street Photography work and one on my "M5 Bus Series" , before I "SHUFFLE OFF THIS MORTAL COIL".
I am interested in the humanity and compassion of people, especially children. I hope that my work is reflective of my intent.